A visionary in the world of animation, Walt Disney is a name linked to countless animated features from the last one hundred years. Back in 1934, Walt Disney had the idea to create a full-length animated film called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. At the time the idea of a completely animated movie seemed impossible, and many thought Walt couldn’t accomplish such a feat. However, the film went on to become an international sensation and made the Walt Disney Company a household name. His perseverance allowed the creation of other famous films like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Alice in Wonderland. Even though the Disney company has now branched out to create other franchises they are still widely recognized for their animated films.
Walt Disney memorabilia has been a hit with RR Auction’s buyers, especially those related to Disney films he had a hand in making. Walt Disney signatures and signed photos have been highly sought after, such as this vintage portrait of Walt featuring his sweeping signature. We have also had the honor of offering an unused 1965 Disneyland gold pass issued to California Governor Goodwin J. Knight and his wife signed by Walt in blue ballpoint.
Having helped build one of the biggest animation conglomerates in the world, Walt Disney pieces always have our collectors desperately searching for their wallets. Even a signature or sketch of his can command a premium price.
Give our specialists a call today – Your Walt Disney pieces could fetch premium prices at auction! You can reach us at 800-937-3880 or click the consign button below to begin the appraisal process.
Check Out Recent Disney Sales
- Walt Disney (2) Typed Letters Signed on Snow White and Ferdinand the Bull – $10,068
- Walt Disney Signed Book: The Art of Animation – $4,230
- Signed Photograph for a Cohort on his 1941 Goodwill Tour of South Africa – $5,225
- Signed Check Dated November 16, 1966 – One of the Last He Ever Signed – $9,023
- Document Signed by Walt and Lillian Disney to Combine Holdings of Walt Disney Productions – $11,535
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