Gaining attention for her role as Elizabeth Dohna in the Swedish film The Saga of Gosta Berling, Greta Garbo burst onto the Hollywood scene with 1926’s Torrent. After starring in several silent films, Garbo received her first speaking role in the 1930 film Anna Christie. The film became the highest grossing movie of that year, and marked her successful transition to talkies. Her subtle and melancholic performances became her staple, but after starring in 28 films Garbo retreated from the public eye in 1940. After settling into her newfound private life, Garbo became an art collector, amassing a collection worth millions. As a notorious recluse, items from Garbo are difficult to find, but RR Auction has offered several pieces from the famed Swedish-American actress.

Our highest grossing Garbo item is this oversized signed photograph taken by Ruth Harriet Louise inscribed to Eva von Berne. In order to try and recreate the success of Garbo, MGM scouted out a new candidate in the form of Eva von Berne who hailed from Vienna, Austria. Despite having never acted and knowing very little English, von Berne was brought to the United States and cast in the 1928 film Masks of the Devil. During her time in the US she was able to meet Garbo, whom she idolized and received the previously described photo. Unfortunately, von Berne’s career did not take off and she was sent back to Europe despite receiving favorable reviews for her performance. This photo was also only the third signed photo of Garbo we have ever offered, and the high bid of $17,908 demonstrates its impressive value.

One-of-a-kind pieces such as her signed immigration card have also gone under the hammer at RR Auction. Originally from Garbo’s estate, this identification card contained the actress’ personal information, distinct signature, and her portrait. This spectacular ID card brought in $6,579, a successful sale for its consignor.
In addition to being a world-renowned auction house, RR Auction has the knowledge and experience to successfully sell your Greta Garbo memorabilia. Phone us at 800-937-3880 or click the button below and get your pieces featured in our next auction!
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